Carine Fabius

The Wannabe Macoute

Back in the 60s and 70s, the paramilitary Tonton Macoutes held sway over Haitian society, doing the bidding of dictator Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier, assassinating and disappearing between 30,000 and 60,000 people. Since then, the term “macoute” has come to mean something less overtly dangerous and criminal, though sinister nonetheless. Today being called a macoute means you are someone dreaming of the good ole days of authoritarianism, whereby you get your way through intimidation, strong-arm tactics and implied bodily harm.

Kinda like the way Trump walked up behind Hillary Clinton during the debates, and loomed over her in an attempt to throw her off her game. Kinda like the suggestion to his base that they “knock the crap” out of a protestor, and that he’d pay their legal fees. Kinda like the way his fixer and henchman Michael Cohen very likely sent a goon to threaten Stormy Daniels. Kinda like the recent assertion about Mexico to his bloodthirsty crowd that “they’re going to pay for the wall, and they’re going to enjoy it.” You know, tough guy, mobster talk. Very macoutist, as Haitians would say.

But the truth is that Trump is only a wannabe macoute. He’s more Mr. Magoo than macoute. In the animated television series of the 60s, Mr. Magoo’s character was often assumed to be outrageous, senile or deranged, but his behavior stemmed from near-blindness. He couldn’t see.

Just like Trump; except that he doesn’t want to see.

He fumbles along, praising strongmen when they kiss his ass, then whiplashes into Mr. Maledicto, threatening to annihilate their worlds. He used to lovelovelove Putin until he decided to bomb the Russian’s best friend, Bashar Al-Assad, for using chemical weapons against his own people. But the romance is back on. As of this writing, he’s officially pushing for Russia to be reinstated as part of the G7. Why? Who knows? Same with China’s Xi Jinping. Not so long ago Trump was falling all over the strongman, so delighted was he to be treated with cynically-orchestrated pomp and circumstance meant to flatter the man who must be flattered; and then he turned around and took a call from Taiwan’s president, a slap in the face to Xi. Any country that has diplomatic relations with Taiwan becomes an instant foe of the Chinese. Why did he do it? Mr. Magoo has no clue.

In the meantime, Haiti just agreed to a $150 million loan from Taiwan for the building of its electricity grid. This after China’s reported pledge to make a $30 billion investment in Haiti’s infrastructure. Not sure what Haiti’s thinking; China has not yet reacted to the news. I won’t be surprised if Mr. Magoo were to extend a State visit to Taiwan right about now. After all, he is in the middle of some very tricky negotiations with China at this time.

(Note: A day after writing that last paragraph, a Huffpost headline read: U.S. Shows Off New De Facto Embassy In Taiwan Amid China Tensions. What did I say?)

The macoutes used to disrupt the established order by replacing meritocracy with plutocracy, nepotism and plain old whim! Trump is trying hard as he can but he’s too inept to succeed (I remain stubbornly hopeful.). A macoute plans his move and then stays the course—remain menacing at all cost, at all times. The strategy of this wannabe macoute is to keep saying and doing the most outrageous thing. Mr. Magoo would be very impressed.


Image: Movie poster from a film by director Nigel Robinson

2 responses to “The Wannabe Macoute”

  1. Prudence Baird says:

    Can’t quite decide if this Magoo spin-off should be called “Mr. Magoo Goes to the White House” or “The Mr. Magoo Reality Show.” In either case, you are spot on…he’s such a disaster that it’s almost funny. Almost, but not quite.

  2. Jennie says:

    Carine, as usual you are on point. Keen observations on current events.

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