Carine Fabius

Words To (Not) Live By

Originally published on Hello, here are some words I would like to obliterate from our vocabulary, dictionaries, lexicons and consciousness. Bureaucracy (byuu-rok-ra-see) – excessive official routine How does bureaucracy sound? No, ma’am, I can’t schedule that appointment for you until your doctor faxes us an authorization; No, ma’am, we can’t set up online management of your corporate account until we order an ATM bank card for you (even if you don’t want or need one); Yes, ma’am, if you Read More…

Dying and Living All Over Again

Originally published on Huffington Post. Last week, my husband and I got the sad news that our friend, artist Burton Chenet, was shot to death in his home by an intruder. His wife, Christine, sustained a serious injury when the gunman shattered her elbow with another shot before fleeing. The tragic incident took place in Turgeau, a residential area in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Although ours was not a very close relationship, I liked Burton a lot, kept in touch with him Read More…