Carine Fabius

I Believe Her

This week it would be hard not to reference the spectacle that played out on TV, computer, tablet, and phone screens as Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh took turns making their cases to a rapt American public about the sexual assault that took place nearly four decades ago.

Personally, I am sick to my stomach over how the ole boys’ scenario continues to play itself out in the face of a roaring #metoo movement. The Sexual-Harasser-in-Chief and his herd of sheep in Congress declared before the testimony that Kavanaugh’s nomination would be voted on and that he would be confirmed no matter what. Whether he’s a liar; whether he’s someone who sexually assaulted not one, but three women; whether or not he is someone who used to get so recklessly drunk that he may not even remember his acts (not just in high school, but during his Yale years, as well). According to his former roommate, Kavanaugh regularly drank to excess becoming aggressive and belligerent. Just like during his opening statement.

Sure, Kavanaugh got angry and emotional, which makes him seem credible and persuasive. Except that Bill Cosby also categorically and angrily denies having drugged and raped women. All 60 of them are lying! And can we just stop for a minute to acknowledge and celebrate that this sick bastard was perp-walked in handcuffs to a prison cell for three to ten years? Because of the Blasey Ford/Kavanaugh horror show, we were denied the breathless media coverage that should have accompanied this long-awaited arc of the moral universe finally bending toward justice. Where were the interviews with the relieved victims? The experts on PTSD, and on the trauma visited upon victims of sexual assault and rape, their partners, and children? I once interviewed one of Cosby’s victims. She was still suffering from debilitating, hallucinatory flashbacks two decades after the fact. We need to talk some more about Bill Cosby because, as he was being led away to prison, another sexual assaulter was being considered for a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court. Nearly 30 years after the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas hearings, not much has changed. Back then, Thomas angrily called the hearing a “national disgrace” and a “circus,” as did Kavanaugh. This is depressing.

Angry, passionate denials do not an innocent man make! Kavanaugh’s past is catching up with him, and although he accuses Democrats, he has no one to blame but himself. That’s why he was crying. Perhaps if he’d been forthright about having been a very ugly young man, who (maybe) worked very hard to become a better person, maybe women would be feeling a little different right now. Maybe. But he did not take that route. He chose, instead, to lash out at the audacity of the little people on the left to question his integrity. Give me a break. I have no doubt that the guy we saw on screen would turn every single Supreme Court case into a vengeful, left vs. right proposition. Terrifying to think about.

Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford. He may be lying about it, he may not remember doing it, he may be a different person now, but he did it. How do I know that, given that there hasn’t yet been a real investigation into the matter? Because he lied or deflected so many times while being questioned. And I believe her.

11 responses to “I Believe Her”

  1. Marie Alice Mathon says:

    Well said !!!!!

  2. dianne says:

    kavanaugh was asked to take a polygraph test & refused!

  3. Judy Chaikin says:

    If nothing else, he displayed such an unappealing Trumpian persona that just like that debased role model, he has no rightful place in our government and our lives.

  4. donald cosentino says:

    Your blazing words are spot on. I believe her too, 100%. As for the crude, drunken frat boy, fuck him and the horse he rode into town on too.

    XXXX Bawon.

  5. Jp says:

    I agree with you. Dangerous bastard who fits right in with his sponsor. I think Trump is already letting him go softly. Losing 20 points in the women polls is a big gap he might not want to increase any further.

  6. Prudence Baird says:

    Well said. Remember the I believe Anita” buttons?

  7. Jeannie Winston says:

    Right on. Thank you for reminding everyone of us about Bill Cosby and no matter what happens, how Brett Kavanaugh is plainly unfit to be on the highest court in the Nation.

  8. Joanne M Higgins says:

    So pleased to read your response to the continued peeling of this toxic onion of entitlement. There has been many sacrifices of brave goddesses such as Ms. Ford and before we are done there will be many more. I also believe her words but am struck by the fact that what has happened is even bigger than words….she and other sisters like her are gathering, talking, engaging and multiplying. Just try and put that genie back in bottle.

  9. Christi Heck says:

    It is a national disgrace that ANY man or woman who would ever, in their lifetime, hold a person’s mouth closed while groping them without consent could be considered for a lifetime career on our supreme court. No matter the circumstance, drugs alcohol etc, these acts clearly represent lack of respect for other human beings and their rights.

  10. Jamie Edlin says:


  11. deborah charles says:

    I believe her too and it unfortunate that he now sits on the Court…

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