Carine Fabius

The Wannabe Macoute

Back in the 60s and 70s, the paramilitary Tonton Macoutes held sway over Haitian society, doing the bidding of dictator Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier, assassinating and disappearing between 30,000 and 60,000 people. Since then, the term “macoute” has come to mean something less overtly dangerous and criminal, though sinister nonetheless. Today being called a macoute means you are someone dreaming of the good ole days of authoritarianism, whereby you get your way through intimidation, strong-arm tactics and implied bodily harm. Read More…

Practice Silence

In light of the better-late-than-never conversations I’ve been having with male feminist friends (my husband included) about discussions here and abroad on routinely accepted male behavior toward women, I have one piece of advice for you guys at this moment in time: practice silence. Take the time (a long time) to listen to what women have to say on the subject before jumping in with all your knee-jerk responses: a) The eventual backlash will be fierce b) Some woman will Read More…

The Revolution is at Hand

An article in the New York Times last week spoke to Italian philosopher Julius Evola (1898-1974), as someone whom Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s White House Chief Strategist and Senior Advisor, mentioned in remarks he made to a Vatican conference in 2014. Evola was the presumed father of Traditionalism, a doctrine, which teaches that equality and progress are exactly the opposite of what’s needed if we are to evolve as a functioning society. This is a thinker, whom Mussolini respected to Read More…

Voodoo Love

As Valentine’s Day approaches, our minds turn to love. For some of us that means What am I going to get him for Valentine’s Day? For others, it’s I wonder if he’s going to remember to get me something? Me? This year I’ve been thinking about love in Haiti, where I come from, the land of Vodou (aka Voodoo). Did you just get a chill up your spine at the mention of the word? Like maybe someone sticking pins in dolls? Just to Read More…

Tattoo Your Opinion

  Lately it’s been hard to avoid all the talk about the misogynistic ramblings of our Republican nominee—the things he said on that recently released tape, and the awful way he speaks about women on a daily basis. (Yes, I realize Bill Clinton and millions of men are careless, suspect and sexist in the way they treat women. I’m not talking about all those other guys right now; I’m talking about The Nominee.) But I’m a businesswoman, so here’s where my Read More…