Carine Fabius

Tattoo Your Opinion

  Lately it’s been hard to avoid all the talk about the misogynistic ramblings of our Republican nominee—the things he said on that recently released tape, and the awful way he speaks about women on a daily basis. (Yes, I realize Bill Clinton and millions of men are careless, suspect and sexist in the way they treat women. I’m not talking about all those other guys right now; I’m talking about The Nominee.) But I’m a businesswoman, so here’s where my Read More…

I Have Opinions

Remember when having an opinion was no big deal? You would read about something outrageous like, well, just about everything in the news lately. Let’s pick a random story from last week: New Filipino president Rodrigo Duterte won the election even after saying he would have liked to be first in line to rape an Australian missionary who was gang raped and murdered during a 1989 prison riot in the Philippines. Or George Zimmerman, who killed Trayvon Martin, decided to Read More…

Love Is…

I know Valentine’s Day is yesterday’s news — we’re past chocolate-covered hearts and onto chocolate-coated Easter eggzz and baby chixx. Wait, what am I thinking? Our next national holiday is the Oscars! But I’m still contemplating love. Everybody wants it, needs it, feels deserving of it, but what is it, exactly? You’ve probably read quite a bit about love recently, but love never gets old and it never goes out of fashion. We’re fixated on the stuff! So here are Read More…

Love In The Doghouse

For reasons you may find cloying, last week I experienced renewed love, affection and appreciation for my dog Tulip–not the wonderful movie My Dog Tulip–I’m talking about my actual, real-life dog Tulip. But precisely because of this overwhelming gratitude for my fabulous 11-year-old (You’re SUCH a good girl!), I wound up watching White God, an award-winning Hungarian indie film released in the States in July 2015, and currently available on Netflix, which summed it up like this: When a cruel Read More…

Illiterate? Read this!

Can a lack of basic reading skills make you sick? I would not have readily made that connection but the answer is yes. According to the NNLM, a U.S. government agency: “…poor health literacy is a stronger predictor of a person’s health than age, income, employment status, education level, and race.” I had never heard the term “health literacy” before and came across it while researching the impact of illiteracy in the U.S. It makes sense. If your reading and Read More…