It was Valentine’s Day, so I started thinking about love. How little of it there seems to be going around lately, and how it’s the only thing that can save us all. And when I say “save,” I mean make us feel better; by mining deep inside us for a way to experience love or express love. It may even be transitory, but if it’s only for one moment, then we will have beaten back that other flash of Read More…
Remember the popular saying among Christians that turned into a fashion statement when lots of young people went around wearing woven bracelets embroidered with WWJD? Maybe it’s still popular, I don’t know, I’m not a practicing Christian or follower of Jesus, specifically. Those letters stand for What Would Jesus Do? I kind of liked the idea of it, a way for people to remind themselves, when at a crossroads of some sort, to check in with their highest self to glean what Read More…
It was just over 10 years ago that Haiti suffered an earthquake so devastating it is rated #6 on the list of 10 deadliest natural disasters since the 6th century. I am a Haitian-American, living in the States since 1964. I was not on the ground when it happened, but the collective national psyche of Haitians throughout the world collapsed along with all those buildings and structures, died a little with the 300,000 people who perished, and hobbled in spirit Read More…
“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” Oscar Wilde Light years ago, back in another time and space, which my calendar insists was February 2020—only two months ago—we hosted the closing reception of a photography and metal sculpture exhibition at our gallery. That evening, as I chatted with a young woman and author, the subject turned to the divine inspiration, which is channeled through artists as they create and how it Read More…
“I haven’t heard the word clown in a while.” Donald Trump, after winning the nomination Everyone thought Trump was a clown. The media just loved him—he made good television and boosted ratings, so they covered the hell out of him; you know, for the money, and the laugh. Except this clown never made you Read More…