Carine Fabius

Asshole Or Prick–You Decide

My husband and I were hanging out with friends the other day when, somehow, the question arose as to the correct translation, from French into English, of the word con. My husband is French and I grew up speaking French in Haiti; but I came to the States as a young child, so conversations like this one are not unusual in our house. “How do you say, ‘an affair’ in French?” I said. “As in, ‘to have an affair.’” “Une Read More…

No Thank’s, Thats Not Write!!!!!!!

If that title looks perfectly okay to you, you can stop reading right now. A friend of mine decided to create a line of T-shirts that lament this country’s woeful mangling of the English language. I think it’s a great idea. As a writer, I’m into words, and punctuation too. Ah, the vagaries of the misplaced, missing or underused comma; the overused exclamation and question marks — What the ????? And new permutations of words just because they look hip Read More…