Carine Fabius

Fucking Your Factor (Putin Friends: Beware)

Excuse my language but I’m just quoting old friends of ours. 25 years ago, my husband and I knew a married couple, who occasionally would tell us — with glee — about how they had screwed someone out of their money. It was usually within the context of how the screw-ee deserved it somehow because of their business practices (kind of like how you would talk about an insurance company). This is how we learned about factors. The couple was Read More…

Thoughts About Love

  It was Valentine’s Day, so I started thinking about love. How little of it there seems to be going around lately, and how it’s the only thing that can save us all. And when I say “save,” I mean make us feel better; by mining deep inside us for a way to experience love or express love. It may even be transitory, but if it’s only for one moment, then we will have beaten back that other flash of Read More…

Why We’re Lucky to Have Trump

Remember the popular saying among Christians that turned into a fashion statement when lots of young people went around wearing woven bracelets embroidered with WWJD? Maybe it’s still popular, I don’t know, I’m not a practicing Christian or follower of Jesus, specifically. Those letters stand for What Would Jesus Do? I kind of liked the idea of it, a way for people to remind themselves, when at a crossroads of some sort, to check in with their highest self to glean what Read More…

Truth And Lies

One dark Thursday afternoon, Truth found herself sitting next to Lies on a subway ride heading toward a station called The Right To Exist.

Practice Silence

In light of the better-late-than-never conversations I’ve been having with male feminist friends (my husband included) about discussions here and abroad on routinely accepted male behavior toward women, I have one piece of advice for you guys at this moment in time: practice silence. Take the time (a long time) to listen to what women have to say on the subject before jumping in with all your knee-jerk responses: a) The eventual backlash will be fierce b) Some woman will Read More…